About Lizzy

My Story
I'm a self confessed yoga addict with a love of the great outdoors and a serious surfing habit. When I'm not teaching yoga or in the hypnotherapy clinic you'll find me yomping on the fells, wild swimming and sea kayaking. I've even been known to dabble in a spot of rock climbing since I overcame an intense fear of heights through the power of hypnotherapy. ​ On a personal level, yoga and meditation has helped me to conquer depression; it keeps me strong and healthy in mind, body and spirit. The Yoga style I teach is practical and accessible - it's yoga for everyBODY. I want to pass on the skills I've learned so that everyone can access a "toolbox" of yoga techniques for their own unique wellbeing journey.
Since I qualified as a yoga teacher, I've enjoyed teaching people from all walks of life and all age-groups including NHS staff, in gyms, sports clubs and church halls; sharing yoga with athletes, professionals, boy scouts, older adults, pregnant women and people with learning disabilities. My love of yoga continues to grow and I'm always looking out for ways to learn more and spread the yoga love far and wide.
The healing power of human touch never ceases to amaze me. I love giving (and receiving) massage for relaxation and wellbeing and in this fast paced digital/virtual world I firmly believe we need it more now than ever before. Find out about the massage therapy modalities that I offer here.

Nordic walking has now replaced my previous love of fell running as my outdoor cardio exercise of choice. It's a full body fat burning work-out but with low impact on the joints. So it's perfect for weight loss, as part of your general fitness regime or for rehabilitation from injury or surgery.
I'm a fully qualified Nordic Walking Instructor with British Nordic Walking and I'm keen to pass on the many health benefits of this sport to others so get in touch if you want to find out more about how you can learn Nordic Walking techniques with me.